How to Prepare for a Job Interview: 7 Questions to Expect

How to Prepare for a Job Interview: 7 Questions to Expect
Learning how to prepare for a job interview is essential to landing the job. Here are 7 common job interview questions to prepare for.

Keyword(s): how to prepare for a job interview

Your palms are sweaty. You feel nauseous and lightheaded. Is something wrong?

No, you're just experiencing standard job interview anxiety. Although you think your job search has ended, you still have to survive the interview. 

How can you reduce your nervousness and come across as calm, cool, and collected? 

Learn how to prepare for a job interview with these seven common job interview questions. 

1. Tell Me About Yourself

This is usually the first prompt an interviewer will give you. You should go into your interview prepared to make a good first impression.

Avoid jumping into a lengthy backstory about your hometown, education, and hobbies. Instead, prepare two or three sentences about your recent job experience and what led you to this interview.

For example, you can say something like, "I spent two years as a software developer in Kansas City before moving to New York. Now I'd like to pivot into website design."

2. How Did You Hear About Us?

This question is less about where you found the job posting and more about what you know of the company. Before going into the interview, do some research about the company you've applied for. Learn about their founding story and their mission and purpose. 

Explain to your interviewer why you were excited to apply for this position and what it will mean to you to be a part of the company. 

3. How Has Your Previous Experience Prepared You for This Job?

If you are interviewing for a different but similar job or position, this question shouldn't be too difficult. Connect your previous tasks to the tasks and expectations for the new job.

However, if you only have entry-level experience or are new to the field, you should answer this question carefully. Don't force connections, but try to relate your previous work or education to the new job. Easily transferable skills might include customer service, communication, sales, or remote work. 

4. Tell Me About a Conflict You Resolved at Work

This prompt is a tough one. You need to avoid slandering any previous employers or coworkers and keep the story short. Practice a simple problem, confrontation, and result formula.

For example, "My coworker disagreed with me about how to organize files. I listened to him explain his methods, and I explained mine. Together, we found an even better way to sort the files."

5. What Is Your Greatest Strength/Weakness?

If your interviewer asks this question, try your best to be honest. Good strengths might include teamwork, creativity, organization, or independence.

Your weakness could be shyness, procrastination, or perfectionism. Try to frame your weakness in a positive light and explain how you work to improve yourself. 

6. What Are Your Goals for the Future?

Prepare to connect the job position with your long-term goals. Employers want to test if you're dedicated for the long run or just planning to stay until something better comes along. 

You could say something like: "I want to earn my Master's degree, and I believe this job will teach me important related skills in a real-life environment." Keep your answer focused on the job at hand and reassure them you'd like to stick around. 

7. Do You Have Any Questions?

Don't overlook this final interview question! Come prepared with at least three questions you could ask about the company, job position, or employees. 

A good open-ended question might be: "How would you describe the company's workplace culture?" or "Can you explain more about the expectations for this role?" 

Knowing How to Prepare for a Job Interview

These tips on how to prepare for a job interview are mostly universal. For most of these common questions, there are no right or wrong answers. 

Demonstrate your abilities with confidence, and remember to keep your tone positive. Even if you don't get the job, you're sure to leave a good impression. 

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